Friday, May 31, 2024


My card today was inspired by two fun weekly challenges. Creative Colour Challenges #143 has three colors that led me to a baby card. The colors are Lemon Lolly, Bubble Bath and Boho Blue. The sketch of my card is from page 22 of the Annual Catalog. CASEing the Catty Sunday Challenge #471 allows you to pick any of the sketches on this page.

Basic White, Lemon Lolly, and Bubble Bath Card Stock

Bright and Beautiful DSP

Little Dreamers Bundle (ret)

Stylish Shapes Dies

Into the Clouds Embossing Folder (ret)

Boho Blue and Bubble Bath Blends

Black Ink

VersaMark and White Embossing Powder

White Baker's Twine

Rainbow Adhesive-Backed Dots 

Be sure to check out the other entries in these great challenges.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You can also See me on Facebook  and  Check me out on Instagram 

Happy Stamping!


  1. Such a cute card Suzy - these colours work perfectly for your Baby card. Thank you for joining in with Creative Colour Challenges x

  2. Such a beautifully sweet card. The colours are absolutely perfect for a baby card, and I love it paired with the layout. I have just become a grandmother, so can totally relate and makes me feel all gooey.
