Sunday, May 19, 2024

Inspire.Create.Challenges #168

 Hello Everyone,

Today starts a new challenge with Inspire.Create.Challenges. Challenge #168 is a Color Challenge. The colors are any red, any pink and any purple. I decided to try a technique I haven't done before. Your stamp onto colored card stock with White Craft ink and then stamp color onto the white ink. How will these colors inspire you?  

Our new challenges launch every other Sunday at 10:00 a.m. GMT and continue for ten days. This challenge ends at 12:00 midnight GMT May 19, 2024. The Inspire.Create Team have created some great projects to inspire you. So click on the link below to head on over to the challenge blog and check them out.

Basic Beige and Poppy Parade Card Stock

Cheerful Daisies Stamp Set

Stylish Shapes Dies

White Craft, Highland Heather, Poppy Parade and Pretty in Pink Ink

Poppy Parade Baker's Twine (ret)

Iridescent Adhesive-Backed Dots

I hope my card inspired you to join in this Color Challenge and make a card of your own. This challenge runs until 12:00 midnight GMT May 19, 2024. See the blog post for all the rules and guidelines.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You can also See me on Facebook  and  Check me out on Instagram

Cheers and Happy Stamping! 

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