Saturday, May 25, 2024

Bird House

My card today was created for Creative Colour Challenges #142. The colors for this week are Moody Mauve, Real Red and Night of Navy. I really like the duo of Moody Mauve and Night of Navy together. 

Basic White, Moody Mauve and Night of Navy Card Stock

In Good Taste DSP (ret)

Country Birdhouse Bundle

Stylish Shapes Dies

Eyelet and Timber 3D Embossing Folders

Black, Moody Mauve and Real Red Ink

White Baker's Twine

Iridescent Pearls Basic Jewels

Be sure to check out the other entries in these great challenges.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You can also See me on Facebook  and  Check me out on Instagram 

Happy Stamping!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Suzy - this is fabulous - Love everything about it. Thank you for joining in with Creative Colour Challenges
